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The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Dual Diagnosis


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Holistic treatment for dual diagnosis is a comprehensive approach to treating someone struggling with mental health disorders and substance abuse. This type of treatment seeks to address the symptoms of these conditions, the underlying causes, and contributing factors.

What is a Dual-Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis refers to the simultaneous presence of two or more mental health conditions, one of which is usually a substance use disorder. A dual diagnosis occurs when a mental health condition (such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder) and a substance abuse problem (such as alcoholism or drug addiction) occur simultaneously.

This complex condition requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment, as the mental health condition and substance abuse problems often interact and exacerbate each other. The term “dual diagnosis” highlights the importance of treating both conditions simultaneously to achieve lasting recovery and improved overall well-being.

Importance of a Holistic Approach in Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Holistic treatment aims to help achieve long-term recovery and improved overall health and wellness. For someone who has found other forms of treatment ineffective, holistic treatment for dual diagnosis can be a great option. This is because holistic treatment offers a more individualized and customized approach, considering each person’s unique needs and circumstances. 

Additionally, holistic treatment can be less intimidating than other forms of treatment. This is because it does not involve a one-size-fits-all approach or rely on medications. Holistic approaches also avoid other forms of therapy that may be difficult for some individuals to tolerate.

The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

One of the critical benefits of holistic treatment for dual diagnosis is its focus on the whole person rather than just the symptoms of their conditions. Holistic treatment considers a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

It seeks to address these areas to create a comprehensive, integrated treatment plan. This approach recognizes that mental health and substance abuse problems are often interrelated. Also, managing one without the other is unlikely to lead to lasting recovery.

Another benefit of holistic treatment is its emphasis on treating the root causes of mental health and substance abuse problems rather than just the symptoms. This may involve exploring the individual’s past experiences and current life circumstances and addressing any traumatic or stressful events that may have contributed to their conditions. Holistic treatment often includes techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, which can help individuals healthily manage their emotions and develop greater self-regulation.

Helping to achieve sustained recovery is another benefit of holistic treatment. By addressing the underlying causes of their conditions, individuals are more likely to experience lasting changes in their behavior and mental health. Additionally, holistic treatment often incorporates ongoing support and aftercare, which can help individuals maintain their progress and continue to build on their gains during treatment.

The emphasis on empowering people to take control of their recovery is part of what makes holistic dual-diagnosis treatment so beneficial. By teaching healthy coping skills and developing greater self-awareness, holistic treatment can help someone feel more confident about managing their conditions and leading fulfilling lives. Holistic treatment also often involves family and loved ones, which can help to strengthen relationships and support networks and improve the overall quality of life.

Common Holistic Therapies for Dual Diagnosis

Holistic therapies vary widely depending on the specific dual- diagnoses being treated. Some common holistic approaches are yoga, meditation, mindfulness, art and music therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and nutrition and exercise.

Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness usually goes hand in hand with yoga and meditation. While they are all slightly different, they aim to achieve the same goal. To become more aware of feelings, recognize emotions, and learn to center the mind to gain control of the body. Mindfulness can strengthen the mind-body connection.

Yoga is an excellent form of stretching and strengthening that can increase those feel-good hormones like dopamine, which can keep mental health more positive. Meditation is when the mind and body still focus on one goal. In addiction recovery, meditation is beneficial when faced with a relapse trigger. 

Art and Music Therapy

Art and music therapy help treat dual diagnosis as they provide a creative outlet to express emotions and experiences in a non-verbal manner. These therapies tap into a person’s emotional and psychological aspects. They can address a wide range of mental health and substance abuse issues.


Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and improve overall well-being. Even though acupuncture is classified as an alternative medicine, it can aid in dual-diagnosis treatment when accompanying traditional methods.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a form of complementary therapy that involves the manipulation of soft tissue to improve physical and emotional well-being. It can provide relaxation, as well as the release and healing of traumas held in the body.

Nutrition and Exercise

Nutrition and exercise play an essential role in treating dual diagnosis treatment. It provides numerous physical and mental health benefits for individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issues. Using nutrition education and physical exercise can be an integrative medicine approach to dual diagnosis treatment.

Integrating Holistic Approaches with Traditional Methods

Holistic treatment for dual diagnosis offers a comprehensive, individualized approach to treating individuals struggling with mental health disorders and substance abuse problems. Holistic rehabilitation can be highly effective. 

Holistic treatment focuses on the following:

  • The whole person
  • Treating root causes
  • Achieving sustained recovery
  • Empowering approach

Integrating holistic approaches with traditional methods of treating substance or alcohol abuse is a great way to ensure comprehensive care. It also provides the best chance of having a long-lasting recovery. At Agape Treatment Center, we treat the whole person. Call us today to find options for dual-diagnosis treatment using a holistic method.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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